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Canadian Association of Photographic Art (CAPA)
Best of Show
BC/Yukon Top Award Winner 2019
Selected from 286 image entries representing 108 photographers and 25 photography clubs.

Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC)
National Awards 2021
Three images by photographer, Mona D'Amours, were selected for exhibition in the National Salon celebrating the best of Canadian Professional Photography. "Photographers must show extraordinary talent to win an award among such illustrious company" said Charles van den Ouden HLM, MPA, SPA, Chair of the National Exhibition. The images will be published in the annual hard copy PPOC Inspirational Book.
LOCKDOWN was a provocative emotionally charged image among more than 600 entries submitted for the National Salon competition 2021. The image was judged 3 times for 12 minutes 33 seconds. Though the panel of judges could have dismissed it without comment, the judges presented strong critiques to reward it. In fact, 2 of the 5 judges fought hard for "Excellence", the highest standing that a photographer in Canada can achieve. The poem was also written by Mona D'Amours though it was not part of the image submitted for the National Salon.

Where do the children play?
Screens, phones, addicted every day.
Where do the people pray?
Everywhere no matter what they say.
Where do the elderly stay?
Alone, no family, no smiles today.
What do our leaders say?
It doesn't matter. We must obey.

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